Salaries of single person governing bodies

The ordinary remuneration of single person bodies (i.e. Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Secretary General, Deans and University College Directors) which are part of the UIB's teaching staff depends upon the category of the teaching and research staff member holding the position (full professor, senior lecturer, etc.), plus a remuneration supplement for their academic position. In addition, there are other types of remuneration (bonuses for each three-year period worked, teaching and/or research merit bonuses, etc.) that are linked to each lecturer's specific admin career.

You may view a list of the staff members holding single person governing positions by accessing single person governing bodies, in the Organisation and Governance section of this Portal. You may also consult the category of those with teaching assigned to them by accessing each lecturer's staff file via the UIB teaching staff search engine. Within the framework of article 20, paragraph 2 of the LOU, the Vice-Chancellor belongs to the body of full professors of the UIB.

In turn, the Head of Administration is a member of the civil service admin and services staff, and, as such, her salary comprises the sum of the basic wage plus the remuneration supplements.

The basic remuneration is that associated with the classification group of the person holding the position plus his/her seniority, which depends upon the number of three-year periods worked. The Head of Administration belongs to the A1 group.

The Head of Administration's salary supplements, which include a level 30 responsibility supplement, are those corresponding to the position with code 1, included on the List of PAS job positions.